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Preparing For Master's Degree

 Where I should start this?

Maybe we can throwback a while in June 2021, when something happened and made me think, "Should I pursue my Master's degree?" With my friend's suggestion, I search for a video on YouTube, watch it, and decided, "Okay, let's apply Master's degree in South Korea!" Then things just walk naturally, like a flow in a river. As I’m looking for information about graduate scholarships in South Korea, I found out about the webinar series held by Kobi Education in July-August. I easily sign up at a discount price and listen carefully to every possible scholarship I can apply for. Then I joined a mentorship held by Beasiswa Korea in October, signed up for TOEFL Preparation Class by Elf Education in December-January, and start preparing for the document application.

I can say that the process wasn’t easy, at all. This is my first time applying for a scholarship and preparing to study abroad. Though I have had experience living alone, but still, living alone in another country is a challenge for me. But, Thank God, I have such a great environment such as my lecturers, my friends, my family, and the scholarship hunters community I joined; their never-ending support made me survive to this day. Of course, there are many ups and downs during the preparation. I keep asking myself, “Is it worth it if I apply this year? Or should I postpone it and apply the next year when I’m ready?”, “Why do I have to get a Master’s degree? What am I pursuing?”, “What course do I want to study? Should I pursue it in South Korea? Or I just want the ‘Kpop’ label?”, and so on. Thankfully, whenever I get overthinking such things, my people come and give me strength. Either by consolidation, they give when I told them my insecurity, or they just out of nowhere tell me, “It might not be easy, but just do it. Whatever the result, just try. There’s nothing wrong with trying and applying, right?” And yeah, they’re right. As long as my parents don’t mind I’m spending their money to prepare the document application, then it’s okay.

Finally, after months of preparation, I have sent the document application on March 18. The document has arrived by March 23, and it was last night when I got the email notification from the university I’m applying for that the document has been handed to them to be evaluated. Now I just have to prepare for the interview –whether I will get the chance or not, I should be prepared, right? Just in case, hehe..